Commitment Towards Young Lawyers and Law Student Advancement

Friday, 23 December 2016


Image result for ANGRY judge imagesNBA V ITEOGU (2006) FWLR, part 333, p. 1662

The solicitor in this matter ITEOGU was authorised by the petitioners through a power of attorney to collect compensation from the Nigeria Ministry of Defence for land acquired by the Federal Government for the establishment of a Naval Base in Akwa Ibom. he was alleged to have received the sum of nearly 48 million naira from the government but failed to remit the amount to his client who had authorised him to collect the money on his behalf. the LPDC found him guilty for professional misconduct. 

On further appeal to the supreme court by the solicitor, PER ONNOGHEN JSC said:

The conduct of the appellant in this matter leaves much to be is, to put it mildly rather unfortunate. here is a legal practitioner in whom much trust was reposed but who failed to live up to the expectation.... what would it caused the appellant to have given the law practice  a human face? Nothing, but his failure to do so has proven to be very expensive indeed. is it not said that penny wise, pound foolish?....HOW TRUE THAT THOSE THE GODS WANT DESTROYED THEY FIRST MAKE MAD!

In Mr Sylvester voice: the force from iteogu village .................


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