Commitment Towards Young Lawyers and Law Student Advancement

Wednesday 14 June 2017


Greetings to our fellow Bar Aspirant!!! for the next couple of weeks we have decided to upload Faith provoking post and advice from First Class Students. The aim of these posts is to build faith in you as you prepare for BAR FINALS

P.S: This is not a religious blog but we believe in God. So irrespective of your religion, see these as an inspiring and motivating post. 

Today we have Mr TOBI AMOO
Good day Sir, this is from the Editorial Crew of GROUP4-LEGAL HUB BLOGSPOT. The aim of this post is to;
1.      Calm the fear in the Heart of many preparing for Bar Final
2.      Suggest ways in which bar aspirant can balance externship period and preparation for Bar Final
3.      Advice on Portfolio assessment
4.      What next after Law School?

Can we meet you sir (Your name, occupation and any other information about yourself you would want us to know)

My name is Tobi Amoo. I practice law as an Associate in SimmonsCooper Partners.

Sir, can you share your experience about Law School?

Law School was a beautiful experience. It was both demanding and interesting. I think Law School is better experienced than imagined.

Thank you sir, can you tell us what were the Challenges you faced in law School?

I think the major challenge was the volume and speed at which we were fed with information. This was totally different from the semester based undergraduate system I was coming from. The good news is that the challenge was not insurmountable. I learnt to adjust to the system and break the large volume into bytes which I consumed in bits.

At what point did you realize that you would finish with a First Class sir?

Towards the end of the externship programme. I had initially settled to work towards a Second Class Upper because the stories I heard gave me the impression albeit wrong, that First Class candidates did nothing but read all day and night, and I knew my brain could not effectively do that. I discovered however that by using a reading system that I was comfortable with, I was able to cover the syllabus and at the same get enough sleep to keep me alert in class. I did my best and I am glad the results were excellent.

Share your Externship experience with us

Externship was amazing for many reasons. For one, I had ample time to study without being inundated with more avalanche of knowledge as the case was while we were in school. The court sessions brought to life all the principles we had learnt in class. This helped me appreciate the topics better and of course easily recollect for exams. I also had the opportunity to compare notes with my colleagues from other campuses in the course of our discussions. This gave me the opportunity to know areas which were either left out or not covered extensively in my campus, and illustrations that were used in other campuses to simplify principles and procedures.

How were you able to balance between Externship and reading sir?

I had a timetable, and I tried to stick to it. I left out weekends in the timetable, so I could use it to make up for any time I lost as a result of deviating from the timetable during the week. I also had regular discussions with some of my colleagues, which helped reduce the time I needed to read.

How was your portfolio assessment?

It went well. I made sure I had all the required documents and PowerPoint slides. I was directed to move a motion which I did with ease. Thanks to the numerous motions I witnessed in court during externship.

Please what is ethical dilemma? And how do we write it sir?

Ethical dilemma is one of the two essays law school students are required to submit as part of their portfolio. The exercise is to test the student’s appreciation of the legal professional ethics as contained Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC), and the application of the rules to real life situations.

Your essay should contain three basic contents – introduction, the problem and the solution. Your introduction should have your name; registration number; campus; and the title of the essay in bold letters. The problem is a statement of facts that present an ethical dilemma for a legal practitioner or judicial officer. The facts could be a true life story you encountered during externship or a fictional story, but ensure that the dilemma your story presents is curable by one or more provisions of the RPC. The solution applies the relevant RPC rules to the problem and answers the dilemma. 

What will be your advice to bar aspirant in preparing for Bar Final

Know yourself! Know the study system that works best for you and stick to it. Do not try to copy someone else. If you are using a study system that has not been effective, keep trying others till you find the most effective, then stick to it.

How is Life after Law School?

Interesting! It is exciting to have the privilege of using the knowledge learnt in class to solve people’s problems in real life. We have also discovered that learning only begins after Law School.

Your final words for the Bar Aspirant…

You can make it. They will teach in you class, then ask you in exams. That is bar finals, nothing more. I look forward to hearing of your excellent grades. 
                                                                              THANK YOU SIR........


Please don't allow Fear to overcome you, success is sure for us in this Bar Final.